Terms & Conditions

1. Buyer Acknowledgment and Acceptance:-
The Buyer (hereinafter referred to as “Student”) purchasing any of the courses offered on this website is presumed to have read, agreed to, and accepted these terms and conditions.

2. Buyer’s Legal Capacity:-
The Student hereby confirms that he/she is not a minor and is legally capable of giving consent on the date of the purchase/transaction.

3. Batch Cancellation:-
In the event that the course purchased by the Student is not commenced by the academy due to any unforeseen event, the Student shall be entitled to receive a full refund of the fee, computed on a pro-rata basis in the case of combos, paid for the said course or part thereof.

4. Access to Encrypted Classes:-
The Student understands that this purchase provides access to selected encrypted classes, which are recorded in a studio and can be viewed by the Student on our proprietary software.

5. Usage and Distribution Restrictions:-
Access to offline pre-recorded video classes shall be for the use and consumption of the Student alone. The Student agrees not to distribute/share the offline video classes or access to offline video classes with others or reproduce any course material in any form or manner. The Student further agrees that any distribution/sharing of the offline class videos or access to the offline class videos with any unauthorized person shall be a violation and infringement of the intellectual property rights vested solely and exclusively in Mr. Sahil Jain.

6. License and Ownership:-
Sahil Jain Classes grants the Student a license to access and consume the offline video classes for a limited period and a limited number of views for the Student alone. The Student acquires no right, title, or interest in the intellectual property contained in the printed educational material, video classes, and any other proprietary intellectual property made available.

7. Course Availability Timeline:-
The Student understands that the full course may not be available for consumption at once on the date of purchase. All offline courses are recorded regularly to ensure that the latest information and content reaches the students. Therefore, the complete course shall be provided in parts as various videos, which shall become available for viewing as soon as the said portions have been recorded. Also, since the subject Taxation witnesses a heavy set of amendments and thus, changes very frequently, the timelines provided for the completion of purchased courses are always tentative since course completion date cannot be accurately predicted.

8. Service Provider Assurance:-
Sahil Jain Classes (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Provider”) promises to provide access to the complete classes as soon as they have been recorded and assures the Student (Buyer) of completion of the course before the exams.

9. Limited Views Per Course:-
Access to offline video classes is made available for a limited number of viewings as stated in the details pertaining to the selected classes.

10. Third-Party Software Disclaimer:-
The proprietary software used for de-encryption and viewing is a third-party software not owned, operated, or managed by Sahil Jain Classes. Though all precautions have been taken to use the services of an industry-leading reliable service provider, Sahil Jain Classes provides no assurance or warranty as to any adverse incidents due to the use of the proprietary software. Therefore, Sahil Jain Classes is in no position to make any representations or warranties regarding the safety and reliability of the third-party software and shall not be liable for any loss of data or other adverse results as a consequence of the usage of the proprietary software.

11. Caution for Data Backup:-
Buyers are CAUTIONED to back up their critical data before using the software to avoid data loss.

12. Data Utilization Consent:-
The Buyer hereby provides consent to Sahil Jain Classes for the utilization of the data furnished by the Buyer. This consent extends to the purpose of facilitating the selected classes and includes, but is not limited to, receiving communications from Sahil Jain Classes. Such communications may pertain to class schedules, batches, marketing and promotional content, and any other communication deemed appropriate by Sahil Jain Classes.

13. Data Confidentiality:-
Sahil Jain Classes assures that the data collected from the buyers shall not be shared with any third parties, except for the explicit purpose of providing the services purchased and for compliance with legal and tax requirements.

14. Dispute Resolution:-
In the event of any dispute arising from or in connection with any purchase or transaction conducted on this website or concerning any classes offered by Sahil Jain Classes, the parties involved agree to provide each other with a notice period of 15 days. During this time, the parties will endeavor to resolve the dispute amicably. Should no amicable resolution be achieved within 30 days from the expiration of the notice period, the parties further agree that the Courts of Law in Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising from or in connection with any purchase or transaction on this website or related to any classes offered by Sahil Jain Classes.

15. Terms Modification:-
The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Sahil Jain Classes reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these terms and conditions at its sole discretion. Any such changes shall be uploaded on this website in a timely manner, and continued use of the classes following such modifications constitutes acceptance of the updated terms and conditions.

16. Confidentiality and Security:-
Sahil Jain Classes is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of the Buyer’s personal information. The institute implements appropriate measures to safeguard the data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

17. Login Credentials Responsibility:-
The Buyer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login credentials provided by Sahil Jain Classes for accessing the classes. Any unauthorized use of the Buyer’s account must be promptly reported to Sahil Jain Classes.

18. Termination:-
Sahil Jain Classes reserves the right to terminate the Buyer’s access to classes in the event of any breach of these terms and conditions or any unauthorized use of the services.

19. Legal Compliance:-
The Buyer agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the use of Sahil Jain Classes’ services, including but not limited to copyright laws and intellectual property rights.

20. Waiver Clause:-
Any waiver or failure to enforce any provision of these terms and conditions by Sahil Jain Classes shall not be considered a waiver of that provision or any other provision.

21. Entire Agreement:-
These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the Buyer and Sahil Jain Classes, superseding any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter herein.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

1. Non-Refundable Classes:-
The classes are deemed non-refundable, and no credit or refund requests shall be entertained under any circumstances.

2. Cancellation and Refund Conditions:-
If the classes have not commenced as of the date when the Buyer (Student) requests cancellation of the purchased course and the books are also not dispatched to student’s address, he may, at the discretion of academy, be granted a refund subject to deduction of a cancellation fee equal to 20% of the total amount paid by the said student to purchase the course.

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